Pool Presentation Feb. 12, 2024
Important Information on Longbrooke Pool 2023
On February 25, 2023, the Longbrooke Trustees held a meeting with the residents to give a presentation on the current challenges we are facing as a development regarding the pool. In order to be completely transparent, we are providing each household with information we have gathered to make a decision on the future of the pool and how it will impact you.
Please click on the link below to see that presentation. The other link is to the video presentation from the meeting.
The Longbrooke Pool will be closed the 2023/24 Season.
A Pool Committee of interested residents has been formed to further investigate our options. On March 20th, the first meeting took place. September 30th, a final written report on their findings will be due to the Trustees. We anticipate their presentation to Homeowners in October. Check back here for updates.
Greg Bosl
Bob Jones
Judy Justice
Sandy Wyles
Dave Zilch
Dave reported on the Astro Pool visit from earlier today. They use stainless steel for the walls of
the pool and gutters which carry a lifetime warranty and a sand filter system. Attaching the
stainless steel as a repair option to our concrete walls, would not work, due to the poor condition
of the pool wall where the anchor would need to go. Steve Truax from Astro Pools advised the
stainless remains the temperature of the water. They currently have 3 projects for 2024. Steve
will submit several options for a new pool and rough estimate of cost prior to Oct. 11, 2023.
More detailed quote will be provided once one of the submitted options is decided upon by the
pool committee. If hired, Steve said they invoice monthly for work completed. Steve also
volunteered to attend homeowner meeting to answer questions if needed.
Steve Truax, Astro Pools, advised that the water depth for a 1-meter diving board is 11 feet 2
inches per The State of Ohio. Committee agreed to change pool scope to 11 feet 2 inches from 8
feet, to allow for the possibility of a diving board. Still would use less water and chemicals.
Sandy reported that Dan Guardo emailed that he is working on our new pool bid this week.
Sandy also contacted Heather Losneck, Longbrooke treasurer, to secure information on the
possibility of a homeowner loan to finance the pool. Heather submitted detailed information on
an HOA loan for committee review. She is meeting with a contact next week who is familiar
with HOA loans to discuss loan qualifications, benefits and drawbacks. The pool committee as a
group felt the information will be beneficial once we have quotes and can determine the best
way to finance the option chosen by the homeowners.
Sandy had also contacted Pete from American Stamped Concrete on 8/28/2023 and 9/2/2023
for an updated quote, original repair quote was from January 2023. Bob independently spoke
with Pete on 9/11/2023, after being referred to him by Eastern Pools. Discussion was about
repair of the pool and heater and Pete also wanted to submit a quote for a new pool, Bob sent
him the 50 m scope of work detailed by the committee and Joe Haney. He was to contact Joe to
set up a meeting. Since he has not, Joe offered to contact him to schedule the meeting.
Bob reports that the informal meeting on 9/16/2023, at the pool with Stone Cold Excavators
went well. They will submit a quote for removal of the pool. The clubhouse and 15’concrete pad
in front of the clubhouse building is excluded from the quote. Bob contacted B&B Wrecking to
give quote on removal.
Bob also contacted Ohio Pool and Patio and they are interested in submitting a new pool quote.
Bob will email them the 50 m scope of work and ask for a rough estimate of the new pool cost;
due to the short time before the committee presents to the board.
Committee members presented preliminary presentation ideas from the assigned categories.
Dave-Overview Sandy – Repair Judy – Replace Judy – Survey Bob – Remove
Greg – Finance options Recommendations: Everyone Financial – TBD
All committee members need to send electronic copy of preliminary presentation to the group
email. Judy and Sandy will compile and consolidate information for review at the next pool
The pool committee thanks all 136 homeowners who completed the recent survey!! Your input is valuable as the pool committee continues to gather information on pool options.
Once all the information is gathered a presentation from the pool committee findings and recommendations will be presented to the LBHOA board for approval. This information will also be available for homeowners to review. There will be a homeowner meeting scheduled to vote on the options presented. The pool committee does not make the final decision on the pool.
The pool committee also thanks Sarah Novak and Patty Allilson-Roy (LBHOA board members) who helped the pool committee tally the pool surveys. Survey results will be posted once all surveys are counted.
AUGUST- The Pool Committee had the Board mail surveys requesting your input. Please respond by August 18 to LBHOA, PO BOX 429, Berea 44017 or drop off at 647 Merrimak. If you have questions- please contact one of the members listed above, or use email link below.
The pool committee has been meeting regularly since March. There has been discussion and review of past repairs and current repairs needed. A walk through at the pool led by Joe Haney, current pool Trustee and Bob Colvin was beneficial to the committee.
The pool committee also contacted 5 other HOA’s that have similar size pools for comparison of
budgets, assessments, repairs, water usage, size of development. This information once evaluated, indicated that Longbrooke pool was comparable to nearby pools. Most of the other HOA’s have a maintenance schedule to follow for repairs and replacement of their pool, thus can budget accordingly.
The pool committee suggests such a manual be developed for the Longbrooke pool trustee to use if the repair or replace option is decided.
The pool committee has formulated a list of pool contractors and at this time will be securing quotes for the repair or replace option of the pool. Quotes are due by the end of June.
Once the repair/replace quotes are received and evaluated the committee will explore the third option, removal of the pool.
Lb.poolcommittee@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.
The pool committee met recently with several board members who outlined the timeline, process and responsibilities for addressing the pool situation. The committee will gather information on the three options: REPAIR, REPLACE, or REMOVE for presentation to the homeowners in the Fall.
An email has been set up for the Pool Committee for any homeowner questions or concerns. Email is: